"Sewage Water Tanker Services"
Safe & Best Sewage Tanker Service and Waste Disposals in Dubai, UAE
High Tech Pest Control offer comprehensive drainage tanker services to assist with your waste removal and disposal needs. Our tankers can collect sewage from residential buildings, industrial, commercial buildings, hotels, labour camps, villas etc. and provide a clean, reliable and professional liquid waste solution, tailored to suit your extraction needs.
We offer wide range of services designed around waste removal with fully qualified and experienced professionals to remove non-hazardous effluent and clean cesspits, septic tanks.
Our Services include
• Removal of Sewage Water
• Removal of Sludge
• Removal of Kitchen Waste
• Contaminated Waste Disposal
• Waste Removal Septic tank & cesspit emptying
High Tech Pest Control offer One-off, On-call basis, weekly, monthly and regular cleaning of sewage water tanker services under an annual maintenance contract (AMC).
Feel free to contact us for all your sewage water tanker in Dubai & across UAE by phone at +971 56 126 4042 or email at info@hightechdubai.com